Thursday, December 18, 2008
So thankful
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Melissa and Benjamin decorated the tree for me last night..I was glad to get it done...The Grand kids all made me a hand print for the tree last year they are displayed predominate on the tree and up high so nothing will happen to them... I have three more gifts to wrap...
I have made two cinnamon rings. One is in the oven now. I need to take it to Lilly since she did my hair for me yesterday...on a moments notice..
Monday, September 8, 2008
For Mom
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Chuck E Cheese
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sleep over
1st Friends Birthday Party
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Benjamin's Kids
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Granny's Birthday
Then she made an angel food birthday cake for all of us to enjoy. We've had a good time celebrating her birthday today.
Friday, August 15, 2008
We are fine
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
3 weeks old
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A Better Day...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Feeding Ducks
Monday, July 21, 2008
I swear, he doesn't eat at home. They have started making him eat whatever they have for dinner and if he doesn't eat it all then he can't have anything else till the next meal. Austin only likes chicken nuggets for meat. S0, Billy, who would only eat STEAK if he could afford it, doesn't exactly make a lot of things that Austin is overly interested in eating. Thus, coming to Benjamin's house is an art in getting to eat whatever he wants. There are endless cups of milk, the soy kind Benjamin drinks and Austin likes, dinners of mac n cheese, ramen noodles, snacks of crackers and cereal. Now don't get me wrong. He has to try everything I make, but if he tries it and doesn't like it, he can eat something else. We have fruit and veggies at our meals. But we can have a snack later if we don't eat all of our green beans. I bet Austin thinks of Benjamin's house as a buffet...
Before anyone gets all bent out of shape, I have to do this because this is how Benjamin eats and it isn't fair for Austin to have to clean his plate when Benjamin doesn't. I can't make Benjamin eat all his food because of his stomach problems. Well, actually I can make him eat it, but then he throws up EVERYTHING he ate for the whole day. Pushing Benjamin to eat is counter productive. Thus Austin gets the same treatment at Benjamin's house. We can't wait for him to come over and visit again.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sleeping Angel
Friday, July 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Krissy
Happy Birthday!!!! Since you weren't here, we had to blow out the candles...
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July at Granny's
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The CUTEST thing in the WORLD
Mommy has no speakers on her computer. I had a couple of sets, but I gave them away. I don't like the speakers because the computer makes noise and I don't want to hear it. We'll I didn't want to hear any noise coming from the computer until today.
Is this not just the cutest little voice in the world. (not that I'm biased or anything) Little Benjamin has learned this song at Sunday School. He enjoys singing it very much. He was being a little shy on the last word. Usually he screams it as loud as he can. We should all be thankful he was being shy.
My camera allows me to take videos. I can then upload the video onto my computer. If I had speakers, I would be able to hear my little angel sing his song. Mommy must get speakers. Maybe Billy has an extra pair. He's the one I gave all mine to. I'll just called and he didn't answer. I bet he's gonna claim he was asleep. It's only 11pm, I don't know why he would be sleeping! I want to hear the angel's voice and I could (even though he's sleeping) if Billy would just wake up and bring me speakers!
A song from Sunday
Little Benjamin just learned this song on Sunday. He doesn't like the verse that says "Jesus Loves the little children." He's pretty opposed to the word love. I guess it's easy to not like the word love if you know that you are loved more than anything else in the world by mommy.
Mommy was not prompting him on the words at all. He was just having to think about what the next line was. I think it makes it cuter. We've only been singing the song since Sunday. He's so smart to learn it so fast.
My little singer
He made up the ending on his own. Next we are going to learn "This Little Light of Mine." Well, at least the chorus and the 1st verse. He will like that song. Next time I will turn on the over head lights and hopefully they won't be so dark.
I don't remember singing like this. Once I started recording him, he was having fits to sing more songs on the camera. He almost had an attack waiting for me to download these so that he could sing Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Hopefully the next song will be coming soon. We practice every chance we get. Especially when we are driving in the car.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
We had to put the pool on the porch in an attempt to have some shade. In the shade it was 111 today. In the sun, it was closer to 120. The boys had a great time. My boy took no nap. He never takes a nap after going to his dad's because he wakes up a couple hours later and doesn't want to nap till a couple hours before bed time, so mommy keeps him up and gets him to bed a little early. He was asleep in minutes tonight. I'm sure Austin was asleep early too.
Pillow Fight
We went and got Austin on the way home from church. The boys are having fun. They had a pillow fight. Benjamin is having a blast with Austin over. The boys want to jump on the trampoline, but I told them we can't do it till later. It's about 115 outside right now, and it will continue to get hotter for the next 2 1/2 hours. If he's still over, I'll let them get on it with the waterhose. It's so hot right now, the black would burn the bottom of their feet.
Granny was sure that Austin hadn't had lunch, so I fixed the boys a snack of honey bun, breakfast bar, wheat thins with spray cheese, and milk. Austin loved the honey bun and Benjamin liked the breakfast bar and the spray cheese on chips. They are both on their 2nd cups of milk. Austin drank the soy milk Benjamin drinks right now for a long time because milk made him have eczema. He has grown out of it, so his parents quit buying it for him. When I can't find it on sale, it is $8 to $9 a gallon, depending on what store I can find it out. Only 3 grocery stores around here sell it, and Walmart isn't one of them. So, when ever Austin comes over he always asks if he can have some of Benjamin's milk. Usually him and Benjamin will drink 3 or 4 cups each. It is sickenly sweet and smells disgusting, but those two can't get enougt of it.