Monday, June 9, 2008

Benjamin's Fort

Mommy made Benjamin a fort a couple of weeks ago. He loved it. He took all of mommy's pillows (7) and put them on the chair, then he climbed on it and told mommy her spot was on the floor. After much protesting on mommy's part, he gave mommy 1 pillow to sit on.
Then he decided he would sit on the floor. Of course all the pillows had to be on the floor for him. We need to do that again soon.


Erin said...

just wanted to correct you. i am nine months pregnant. don't worry -- i am fat!! lol and miserable.

Favorite Daughter said...

You still have 4 weeks to go, doesn't that make you 8 months?! I looked like I was having twins, roughly the size of a whale. You look great!

Erin said...

pregnancy lasts until 40 weeks... 10 months.

Favorite Daughter said...

I thought that they considered 40 weeks 10 months, since everymonth except February has more than 4 weeks in it. Oh well...